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"Each of us deserves exactly the Justice we work to give to those we hate the most!"
...Quoted in the H.B. In-house Newsletter, "The Weekly Roomer"

Why Does Hotel Bravo Link to the work of Jackson Pollock?
Maybe we consider Pollock's breakthrough work as an Abstract Impressionist to be instructively metaphorical and vital to the Visitor's comprehension of Hotel bravo's exercise of the meanings found in, 'The Medium Is the Message!'...

No One Can Show You The World! You Have To See It For Yourself! -- Morpheus, in The Matrix

Want PEACE? Work For EQUAL JUSTICE For All Human Beings!
Hate, Greed, Bigotry & Revenge Beget Only Hate, Greed, Bigotry & Revenge!

Today Is:

H. B. WORLD - SPAN: A Service of "The Weekly Roomer"

"Captain Marvel (the original): more than provocative bulges in a nifty red body suit!"
- quoted in the HB in-house newsletter, "The Weekly Roomer"


"Sgt. Andrews,
Put out the Claymores!"

"You can not put a stick in the river twice in the same place!"
--Siddhartha Guatama

Carl Jung, after much labor, began to disclose his own unconscious to himself in metaphor. He realized himself as a mansion with many interesting rooms. Hotel Bravo has many interesting rooms, on many floors, in several buildings, in basements and on roofs, but it is the Hotel Bravo Guests who ride the elevators and open the doors, traversing the planes of awareness between times, places, experiences, persons, and illusions of Self, who discover within their own metaphors, the Holy Grail that is common between all Living Beings.


Mantra for a True Leader:

"The individual who follows his friends around,
the friends may one day let down,
but the friends who follow the individual around,
the individual will never let his friends fall down."

-By Charles Simons '69

"Every Story From The Big Green Has Its Beginning!
In This Ending Is Mine To Be Found!
The Loss; The Heritage; The Rage; The Fear...; The Duty and Honor; ...The Purpose!" -(EA)

This Bravo 1-4 Pony Was Destroyed By A Mine
In An Ambush October 31, 1968!
Only Her Driver, Randy Smith,
Eventually Returned To Duty.

Special Thanks to Quin Sommer For This Photo
(and for so many unnumbered
acts of kindness and courage)!

Monte "Rip" Swenson, "B-1-4 Delta" B/CO/2nd/47th (mech) November1968 to DEROS in Spring 1969, passed away 6-22-01 from a heart attack. During the ambush that destroyed the old 1-4 Pony on October 31, 1968, Rip distinguished himself by running repeatedly into heavy fire to drag and carry the wounded out of harm's way and struggle to save those who died in spite of his efforts. At the beginning of Dudley's tour, when he was squad leader Bravo 1-4 for three months, Rip became his Driver, before driving for Ken Bodewitz until the end of his own tour. Dudley greatly enjoyed Rip's unique sarcastic observations on the day to day Absurd. Rip was buried with full military honors in the VA National Cemetery in Bismark, ND.
2/47 Infantry (Mech) 9 Div. (US Army, RVN):
(VISIT The Battalion Web Site For The Full Tour!)

Created by John Spizzirri: Now Maintained, Enhanced, and Facilitated by Bob Pries
(Visit Bob Pries' own site, "Welcome To Binh-Phuoc!")



[Vietnam Memories: C. Roberts
|SGTFATS LINKS: John Spizzirri|Viet-Nam Journal: Lee Tyre
| Ron "Gramps" Fillingham]


[What the Weather in "SAIGON" is!]



The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), has informed us about an improved method of requesting documents from the NPRC. As you know, the NPRC provides copies of documents from military personnel records to authorized requesters. Their new web-based application will provide better service on these requests by eliminating their mailroom processing time. Also because the requester will be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized. You may access this application at:

Please note there is no requirement to type "www" in front of the web address. Additionally, this improved on-line request process should be used INSTEAD OF Standard Form 180 from veterans or the veteran's next of kin. Please give this information the widest dissemination.

Return to H.B. Index


Meet our good friend "Sgt Fats"! Take time to visit his "For The Future" pages, experience his inspired graphics, travel to his many links, AND pause to spend some time with our fallen friends in his "A Time To Remember" section.
We were just fiddling with the mechanisms for page making and got in over our heads. Now we are trying to find our way out with honor. Our sincerest gratitude to our friend John Spizzirri for this most prestigious award. His on going support and continuous suggestions are invaluable. Not to mention the many times he has bailed us out of trouble and corrected our spelling as we fumble our way toward the light. Thanks, friend. Your companionship greatly helps make a sometimes dreadful journey through this Odyssey more worth taking. Your inspiration is a constant encouragement, Brother, as we must occasionally renew our commitment to the Truth that the mission isn't over till everyone is Home. We warmly thank you for being there.
- The Management

Enjoy The "HOTELBRAVO.ORG" Links!

Visit the Embassy of Modern Vietnam in Washington D.C.!
Get VISA Information!
[April 30, 2000 was the 25th Aniversary of The Reunification of Viet-Nam!]

Check out the weather in "Saigon" now.

Plan a trip there, get CDC health warnings!

Trip Back To Nam Updates:
July 22, 1999-Aug.24, 2001-Forward

"Don't do it, Nicky! Don't do it! I love you!"
--The Character "Mike" In THE DEER HUNTER

Alan Davidson

"Dear Brother/Friend,
Departed, But Never Forgotten...
Irreplaceable!" -(EA)


"Just When We Finally Reach The Age
When We Actually Understand
Why We Shouldn't Accept Candy
From Strangers Holding Car Doors Open,
We Start Voting, And Seem To Completely Forget
What We Learned As Children, Or Worse,
We Become The Seductive Strangers!"

Search term: Case-sensitive - yesexact fuzzy
"A little bit of this; A little bit of that...In My Soul...."
--Lou Vega

Entertainment Nightly the STARLITE LOUNGE!

[ "Hotelbravo.Org" | "War Story" | "War Story II" | "War Story III" | "War Story IV" | "The 'Snoop's' Lament" | "Nolan's Request" | "'SMASH THE SYSTEM!' Rejection and Response" | "War Story V" | "War Story VI" | "War Story VII" | "War Story VIII" | "DSM-IV-Criteria I" | "DSM-IV-Criteria II" | "Time Tripper" | "Soup now, message later!" - Father Ed | "War Story IX" | "Hotel Bravo Landing Zone" | "The Dusty Red Road" | "The Parking Lot" | (UNOFFICIAL) Bravo 2/47, 9th Inf Div, RVN, '68-'69 | "Crucifiction of the Just!" - Father Ed | "War Story X" ]
[Follow The Dusty Red Road!]
Hotel Bravo Landing Zone